Principality of Hains

The National Seal
Flag of The Principality of Hains
Royal Standard of The House of Hains

The Principality of Hains is a Sovereign and Independent Micronation. We are located within the former Indian Territory of North America near the Wabash River.

The Principality of Hains first came into existence in 1635 when William Haynes (later known as Prince William the first of The Principality of Hains) was crowned as its first prince upon landing in the British Colony of Salem, Massachusetts. 

As more and more Europeans began to settle in the British colonies, Prince William’s successors began to take up residence in the southern colony of Virginia. They later crossed the Appalachian Mountains at the beginning of the nineteenth century and finally in its present location.

We are a Crowned Democracy which means that our citizens elect their own leaders and approve any new laws. Our royal family provides guidance and stability and their involvement in government is decided by our citizens.

Territorial Claims

The capital city of Santiago de Hains is .001 square miles in size. It is the home of the Royal Palace and is the seat of government. It has warm summers, moderately cold winters, and receives precipitation year round.

Haynes Island is located in the Wabash River, near the capital.  It is uninhabited and is a protective nature preserve.  Its .005 square mile territory is home to cottontail rabbits, fox squirrels, gray squirrels, otters, Canadian geese, osprey, robins, wild turkeys, and a variety of plants.

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